Thursday, September 3, 2009

Week Three - Wednesday & Thursday

So yesterday was supposed to be 2 miles or XT, and I cheated and did nothing. I just wasn't up for it ... it was Brienna's three month birthday and it was a struggle just to get out of bed. So I let myself just be all day ...

Today was a 3.5 mile run plus strength training. I did 13/3/12/3/11. The first leg I ran faster than I have been, a 10 minute mile rather than a 10:20 mile. I felt pretty good, but I'm not sure if it messed me up the rest of the time. The second and third legs I was just exhausted. I felt like I was out of gas and running on empty. My legs and my lungs felt heavy, but my ITB was okay until the end of the third leg, which was partly downhill. I got my period yesterday, so I'm wondering if that had something to do with how I felt ... I was also kinda dreading the run, so perhaps that had something to do with it as well? I wish I had just stayed up at 8:00 and run then, rather than go back to bed and run at 11. Bad choice!!

When I got home, I did a modified P90X arm/shoulder workout and ab ripper X. I kinda feel like my arms are getting too big, so I'm not going to do the full P90X workouts and I'll see what happens ... they don't look as lean as I want them too, though I am certainly critical of myself. Pat says I look great, but he would say that no matter what :)

We're heading to the Cape this weekend, which will be nice. I need to try and be careful about my eating, but it's hard there! And sometimes it's like what the hell, I look pretty good, feel pretty good and I might as well enjoy, but then I get home and get mad when the number on the scale goes up, not down. I can't believe I am three months postpartum ... I miss Brienna :( I've cried literally every day for the last three months, but I think I need to give myself permission to not cry. Or at least know that it's okay if I don't cry ...

5 mile run on Sunday, but I might switch it to Saturday because next Sunday we're going to be away and I need to ensure that I run on Saturday ... we'll see how it goes. I'm nervous!!

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