Saturday, January 28, 2012

Bad, Bad Blogger

OK, my number 1 resolution was an epic failure.  I've come to terms with it.  But I need to at least mention it.  After everything went to shit, I pretty much stopped exercising.  My ITB was sore and the little man refuses to sleep during the day.  Excuses?  Yes.  I am sure that if I was super dedicated, I could have gutted it out.  But after a 12 hour day with a non sleeping baby, the last thing I feel like doing is lacing up the shoes and getting on the treadmill.  I'm disappointed in myself, but it happened and I have to just move on from it.  I way underestimated how difficult it would be to get in a routine with an unpredictable baby.  So that's that.

On a positive note, I have been tracking everything with MyFitnessPal and I love it.  I've lost weight and am very happy with that (thank goodness for breastfeeding, it affords me many extra calories!)  My muffin top hasn't gone anywhere though and I know I need to kick up the cardio to see it go away.  Our vacation to St. Maarten is fast approaching so I'm hoping it's good motivation! I've also done well with meal planning.  I haven't really calculated out what I'm saving, but I know for a fact that I am because only being at the grocery store once cuts out all those frivolous purchases.  Budgeting has been going well too, for the most part.  Yesterday, I took out cash and can only spend that until next pay day (Friday - I get paid weekly).  So far, so good, but I realize that it's only Saturday!

Pete is officially a nine month old.  How it happened that fast is beyond me.  I love my little guy.

And yesterday at his well visit, the NP totally remembered Brienna without my mentioning her and it made me so happy.  I miss her ... really, really hoping for a run tomorrow. Fingers crossed!

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Days 12-14

Otherwise known as, when everything went to shit.

I stayed late at work, so didn't get home until after 3:30 this morning.  Pete is still not sleeping great and was up before 7.  So less than 3 hours of sleep and a baby that no longer naps ruined me.  So I did nothing. Except 10 pushups.  But I'm not sure that counts.

I wanted to walk before work, but Pete was up at 4:30 and I couldn't get him back down til 5:30 and then he was up at 7.   And of course didn't nap at all in the morning.  So again, I did nothing.

NOTHING.  I am a lazy piece of a$$!  I feel like absolute crap today - my ITB/hip is killing me, I can barely keep my eyes open and I think I might be getting my period for the first time in 20 months.

This is what I feared, and why I wanted to challenge myself with a streak in the first place.  I miss one day, and it just snowballs from there.  It's the same with my eating.  I am one of those people who tries to eat well, but if I mess up during the day, I say "screw it" and don't care the rest of the day.  I've also found that as I pay more attention to myself and my habits, I realize I'm a very emotional eater, which is interesting because when Brienna died, P had to remind me to eat - it just didn't occur to me to do so.  So maybe I'm more of a frustrated eater ... I get snack-y when I'm irritated or exhausted and just let myself go.  I need to learn that it's okay to "mess up" but that when I do, I need to let it go and continue with my original plan.

I'm still going to keep track of everything for the month of January.  I've already surpassed my mileage total for December and it's still early in the month.  I'm planning on a longish run tomorrow (4-5 miles) and I'm actually really looking forward to it.  One thing I have been good with is tracking my food intake on MyFitnessPal; I like the accountability and at a very basic level, it just makes me think about what I'm eating.  I wanted McDonald's breakfast the other day (the less than 3 hours of sleep after a 20 hour day morning) but when I checked, it was close to 1000 calories.  Wisely, I decided against it.  I've also been drinking more water and am generally just paying attention to what goes in my body.

Plus, I have some serious motivation to stay active and eat healthy ... P and I booked our trip to St. Maarten for his best friend's wedding in June - woo hoo!  I want to feel confident and I know that when I'm in running shape and feel strong, I feel confident.  So, that's my spiel.  Stay tuned ...

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Days 6-11

Day 6: 1.6.12
3 mile run with the Bailey and Pete.  A sub-10:00 pace with the jogging stroller always makes me happy. Finished in 29:52.

Day 7: 1.7.12
This is the day I was most concerned about, because I had to be at work by 7AM.  But, I did it!  I got up at 4:45, fed Pete, pumped and then walked for 20 minutes (a little over a mile).  I was very pleased.

Day 8: 1.8.12
Apparently, this is the day I should have been concerned about.  After working 12+ hours, Pete decided that he just wouldn't sleep.  At all.  I finally got him to fall asleep from 12-2 (in bed with me, so not a very good sleep for me) but then he was up until 5, when I handed him over to P until 7ish.  I had a baby shower in the morning, Little Christmas in the afternoon and could barely keep my eyes open when I got home.  So the streak ended.

Day 9: 1.9.12
20 minutes walking on the treadmill.

Day 10: 1.10.12
Attempted a 4 mile run on the bike path near my house, only to find it was closed.  So my 4 miler turned into a 2 miler and I wasn't happy about it.  It's amazing how I could do essentially nothing the entire month of December and be okay with it, and now a run gets cut short and I'm pissed ...

Day 11: 1.11.12
25 minutes walking on the treadmill.  Had an MD appointment at 8AM and then work at 11.  So I was pretty happy to get a walk in before the MD appointment!

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Day 5


A little rough today.  I tried several times to get in a run, but Pete thwarted my attempts each and every time.  He just didn't want to sleep today.  At all.  All day.  I finally got him down for a nap about noon and was 15 minutes into an interval workout on the 'mill when he started screaming and I had to stop and get him.  Poor kid.  I'm not sure why he didn't want to sleep all day ... it was semi frustrating, because I had so much I wanted to get done. Oh well.  He's too adorable to be frustrated with for long:

And while he was playing this afternoon, I got in 18 push ups.  So at least the streak continues.  I'm hoping for at least a few miles (running) tomorrow.

In terms of other goals, I have been much better about drinking water, which is good.  And I'm trying to cut back on Diet Coke.  It's hard.  But it really would make so much sense.  It's expensive!!  And unnecessary. So we'll see!

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Days 2, 3 & 4

So far so good. YAY!

Day 2 - 1.2.12
2.2 mile run in 22:10 with B.  I planned on a slow, easy run and that's exactly what I got.  It was perfect.  My legs are definitely sore though.  I'm not used to running multiple days in a row and taking such a long break was pretty dumb.

Bicep curls: 10 lb weights, 15 reps x 2
Tricep extensions: 10 lb weight, 15 reps x 2
Bicep curls/shoulder presses: 10 lb weights, 10 reps x2
Circles with arms out to the side (no idea what they're called).  A lot.

Day 3 - 1.3.12
30 minute walk on the treadmill, at 2% incline.  Can't remember exactly, but I think it worked out to be about 1.69 miles.  Wanted to give my legs a rest, as they were pretty sore - but in a good way.  I love that feeling.  I worked all day too and didn't sit down much, so I think it was good to keep the juices flowing.

Day 4 - 1.4.12
30 minute walk on the treadmill at varying inclines 2-5%.  Walked a bit faster than yesterday and did about 1.8 miles.  Then Pete woke up and my workout ended!

I'm loving our treadmill.  It's so easy to ensure a workout with it right there.  Both days I walked, I told myself I'd just do a mile.  I'm glad I did more.  And it might not be much, but it's a good start for me. I've also been tracking my food using MyFitnessPal.  It's free and you can scan everything you eat.  Thank goodness for breastfeeding, because it affords me many extra calories.

I'm not sure what my plan for the rest of the week is.  I have to work 7A-7P on Saturday, so my thought is a quick 1 mile run.  I'll have to get up at 4:45 ish just to get that in, so we'll see.  I'd like to get in a run either tomorrow or Friday, and then again on Sunday.  I think the weather might be a bit warmer, so hopefully the man, B and I can all go together!

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Day 1

3.5 miles in 33:26 with the ORB for my first run of 2012.  And it was glorious.  The weather was unseasonably warm (and I was overdressed) and it was just a near perfect day for a run.  I took a 0.10 mile walk break a little after 2 miles and was happy I did.  I didn't realize that I haven't really run since 12/4.  Pathetic, you say?  I agree.  So I took it easy this morning.  It was the first day in a long time that I woke up excited to get out there again.  And that makes this mama happy!

8 lame pushups. It is so sad that 8 felt hard.  Perhaps it's time for the 100 pushup challenge?