Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Early AM Run

I had a great little early morning run today.  I woke up at 5 excited to run.  It's tricky because I couldn't just hop out of bed and head out the door.  I either had to pump, or wait for the man to wake up so I could feed him at least a little bit.  I decided to just get up and pump, but B ended up waking Pete up, so I got to feed him and then crossed my fingers that he'd fall back asleep so I could run. He did!  So B and I headed out for a windy run.  I love early morning exercise.  It sets the tone for the whole day and makes me happy.  Plus, I had all sub-10:00/miles today.  YAY!!!

Monday, February 27, 2012

I Heart Running

I had a really great running week and it makes me so ridiculously happy!  I started off with a little Monday Motivation and headed out the door early with B.  It was cold, and in the process of putting my phone in my sleeve, I somehow turned off RunKeeper and didn't realize it until the one mile mark. Oh well.  I ran a 3 mile route at about a 10:00 min pace.  Not bad and I loved being done by 7:15!

Thursday was gorgeous out.  I had plans to meet a friend in Boston for a run, but her daughter was sick, so we canceled.  I decided to take advantage of the beautiful day and drove down to Newport for a run with Pete and B on the Cliff Walk.  I wore shorts (in February!!) and had a mentally challenging run.  B was horribly behaved and I wished so badly I didn't bring her.  There were a few stairs to navigate on the cliff walk loop (which I didn't realize) and things got tricky with the stroller and B.  So after about .7 miles, we turned around.  I was so frustrated I debated just throwing in the towel because my plans didn't work out, but then I decided it was too nice to not run.  And that I'd driven 30 minutes, I might as well run for at least that.  So we ran along the streets of Newport and I ended up doing 4 miles.  I actually felt pretty good and despite all the stops in the first mile, had ok splits the rest of the time.  Also, I remembered why I love my Garmin:

I worked a double in Friday and woke up feeling pretty crappy on Saturday morning.  I had to really push myself out the door, but am so glad I did.  B and I braved the 20-30mph winds and I ended up having a great run. I wanted to run by feel, so I didn't look at my Garmin once.  I also didn't take one walk break.  And my IT band didn't hurt.  At all.  WIN!  The wind was pretty brutal, and at some points it felt like I literally wasn't moving.  I had planned on doing 4 miles, but at mile 3 was feeling good so extended my route.  I picked up the pace for the last mile and only looked at my Garmin when I was nearing home, which was at 4.65 miles.  I sped up for the last .35 and am psyched that with all that wind I still ended up sub-10:00.

Barely sub-10:00, but I'll take it.
I read all these blogs where the girls are running 50 mile weeks and I get jealous, but for me, I had a great week.  I felt like a real runner on Saturday (and I haven't since Pete was born) and the run made me feel confident that I can run the 1/2 marathon in May.  I am a happy girl!  I wanted to run today, but it didn't happen.  So my plan is an early AM run with B tomorrow ... fingers crossed it's a good one.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Back on Track?

I managed two decent runs this week, and I'm quite happy about it.  On Wednesday, I ran ... in shorts ... in February.  Just 2.5 miles at a 10:37 pace with the stroller, but that's okay.  I didn't look at my watch once; I just ran what felt comfortable and enjoyed the run with zero ITB pain.  On Friday, I logged 3.0 miles on the treadmill at a 10:13 pace with a 1% incline.  I'm not trying to win any speed awards, and I read on AMR that when coming back from a break, it's better to focus on distance, not speed.  So at this point, just running is a win!  I have 13 weeks until my half marathon, which I think will be perfect.  I can't focus on being fast, and may not break 2:00 again, but that's ok. I'll just be proud of myself to run.

My Patriots lost yesterday.  I was bummed for a little bit, but in the scheme of things, it's so not a big deal.  I remember when they lost 4 years ago, I didn't talk to anyone for the rest of the night.  It was a big deal in my life at the time.  Then when your daughter dies, a little football game becomes just that ... little.  And really, who could be sad with this guy around?