Sunday, September 27, 2009

Week Six

This is the first week that I pretty much followed the training schedule. Well, almost.

Tuesday I just did not want to get out bed. I was a lazy POS all day, but kept thinking about the fact that I should have gone running. I was laying on the couch in the afternoon, and decided to just go for it. I am glad I did! It ended up being a pretty great run. I did 43 minutes, which when I mapped it afterwards was about 4.3 miles. So I'm definitely a 10 minute pace right now, which is fine by me. I didn't even look at my watch until 3.5 miles had gone by, and i even tried to extend the route, which is huge for me.

Wednesday I did the 2 miles in 21 minutes, but it was humid out and I was somewhat miserable. I think the 4 miles was easier, which is just crazy to me! I never thought that 4 miles would be easy - woo hoo!

Thursday I again didn't wanted to get out bed. Lazy, lazy. Pat and I planned to go to the gym but of course didn't, so I used Thursday as a rest day.

Friday, I did the 4 miles. I had stayed up until 3AM reading Thursday night, so again, I did not want to get out bed. But, I ran in the afternoon and had a good run. I did 4 miles in 37:40, which is huge for me. I felt good and am happy with my progress thus far.

I did nothing on Saturday - oops.

On to Sunday. The schedule called for running a 5K, but I was starting to get nervous about the fact that we only run 10 miles before the actual race. So I decided that I would attempt 7 miles. It was pouring out, so I went to the gym and ran on the treadmill. I ended up doing 8 MILES!!!! I am so freaking proud of myself. The last 18 minutes was tough, but doable. I was even able to up the pace for the last 2 minutes, which made me happy. I ended up doing 80 minutes, and my average pace was 9:50. So really I ran 8.1 miles. Either way, I am ecstatic. It wasn't easy, but it wasn't as bad as I though it would be. Brienna was with me every step of the way and I have to say, it makes me just want to keep pushing. I am amazed with myself because I'm convinced it's all mental. My knee felt fine (I'm still using the PattStrap, which I love) and I was able to do more than I ever thought possible. I mean, I know the goal is 13.1 miles, but still. I'm just so proud of myself. I need to make sure I really stretch, because I have a feeling I'm going to be sore!

But either way, YEAH!! I think I might be a runner :)

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