Friday, June 5, 2009

No words

Our precious angel was born into Heaven on June 2, 2009 at 8:50 PM. The happiest and saddest day of my life ... our little girl, Brienna Marie was perfect. She was the most beautiful baby I have ever seen in my entire life. She had the softest skin and the most perfect button nose ... I can still feel her in my arms, smell her sweet smell and I long for just one more moment with her. One more chance to kiss her cheek, touch her lips and tell her that I love her with all my heart ... P and I are so sad she is gone. It feels surreal and I feel hollow ... like I am missing a piece of me.
I miss her so much :(


  1. You are missing a part of you. Your arms ache for the baby you held for nine months right there under and in your hearts. We will be praying for you and P. I can only imagine how perfect your lil Toot is! I wish too that she was still there so you could smell her sweet smell and kiss her button nose.

  2. I have been praying for your family all week. As I was sitting here grieving over Olivia, I checked my blog followings and came across your post. I will be grieving over your beautiful Brienna as well. My heart is broken for you. I know the surreal-ness; I know the hollowness. Praying for His comfort for you.....

  3. I can't even begin to express my sorrow. I am so sorry that you have lost this little girl that has and will forever mean so much to you both.

    I have been thinking and praying for you often the last several weeks. I will continue to storm the gates as the time begins to pass and you begin to be in two places at once. I will forever live in two time with Timothy in my arms on July 28, 2008...and the "real" date, many months later.

    If you ever need ANYTHING, just let me know.


