Thursday, December 8, 2011

Saying Yes

Five years ago today, P asked me if I would marry him.  Saying yes was a very good decision.  We've been through so much together, and are stronger because of it.  It's fun to think back to that night five years ago.  We weren't living together at the time, and when I got to his house, he told me I had to wear a dress to his work Christmas party.  I was pissed because not only was it frigid outside, but I'd already showered and dried my hair - and I hadn't shaved my legs.  So as I stood in the shower shaving, I was fuming. Little did I know that I'd be engaged in just a few hours!  P was so nervous, and hummed all throughout dinner, which was pretty strange.  The waiters were all over us, because they were in on it and not sure it was going to happen because P kept putting it off.  Finally, after our dinners had been cleared away, the waiter came over with a dessert and two glasses of champagne and said he thought it would be nice for a celebration.  Confused, I turned to P as he pulled out a ring and asked me to marry him.  I was ecstatic and immediately said yes.  He claims I said "Holy $@!%", but I beg to differ :)  Either way, I'd say it worked out pretty well!

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