Sunday, August 30, 2009

Week Two

Since I didn't really do much in terms of training during week one, I have nothing to report. Week 2 however, was a success! I ran with Bailey all week, and she is hands down, the best running partner I've ever had!

I'm following Hal Higdon's plan for novices and thus far, I think it suits me. There are only three days of required running, which is perfect for my knee. Running days are Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday. As the runs get longer, I imagine my sister and I will run them together and will most likely run them on Saturdays.

I've done a lot of reading on walk breaks, and am going to most definitely incorporate them into my training. I think it's the only way I'll be able to finish. I run about a ten-minute mile, so I'll break down my runs as #minutes run/# minutes walked/# minutes run, etc.

Tuesday - 3 mile run: 20/5/10. I could feel my ITB starting to get sore on the second leg of running. Sure enough, I got home and couldn't walk down the stairs without pain. Not a good sign.

Thursday - 3 mile run: 10/3/10/3/10. Much better! I had some ITB discomfort, but otherwise was okay. Made sure to ice it all day and have been very careful on the stairs.

Sunday - 4 mile long run: 14/3/14/4/12. SO excited I ran 4 miles! I haven't done that in well over a year. I felt some discomfort, but adjusted my stride and it seemed to get better. I also ordered a Patt Strap, and am crossing my fingers that it enables me to run for longer distances at a time. I hate that when I'm in a groove and feeling good, I have to stop and walk. But my goal is to finish this race and if means walking, I'm going to do it. I was encouraged that I felt pretty good during the run. I love that point about 6-7 minutes into a run when you feel like you could run forever. I so hope I have more of that ...

Week 2 was definitely a success. I am pretty happy, which is rare for me these days. I love knowing that I am doing this for Brienna. She will give me the strength to continue!

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