Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Waiting Game

I had a little scare last night with lots of cramping and was convinced that I was having a miscarriage as a result of the amnio. I called my OB's office, and the doctor on call called me right back and just said to keep my feet up and call my MD in the morning. I called this morning, explained how scared I was and he said to come in any time this afternoon and he'd take a look just to reassure me. My mom met me at the office and they were wonderful. I was so scared sitting in the waiting room, not knowing what they would find. There were Christmas carols playing and tears were just pouring down my face. I want so badly for this baby to be okay. They were actually awesome and did a full ultrasound. Toot's heartbeat was ticking away at 145 beats/minute, and was the most reassuring sound in the world. My mom and Dr. P used to work together, so it was nice actually talking with him about things. He spent a lot of time with us, and I feel so encouraged that everything will be okay. Toot looked fine on the ultrasound and was moving all over the place, all good signs according to Dr. P. He said that because of the cramping, I should stay off my feet until it completely goes away, but that he thinks I'll be fine and that it's most likely just my ligaments stretching.

He also called the lab himself to check and see when the FISH test results would be in, and was hopeful that they'd be in by the end of the day today. I haven't heard anything as of yet, so I'm hoping we know something (good news!) tomorrow ... for now, my fingers are crossed and I'm praying my heart out ...

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