Friday, May 22, 2009

Induction Day

We had an appointment this week and my doctor brought up the dreaded topic of induction. I've always maintained that I want Toot to come on her terms, and my doctor has said I wouldn't be able to go past forty weeks (they use May 28 as my due date, when I'm 99.9% positive it's really May 18). Anyway, she brought it up and I politely asked if we could just talk about it next week. She didn't think that was such a good idea but said that even though I'm forty weeks on May 28, she'll let me go the weekend and if Toot doesn't arrive on her own, June 1 will be the day. I actually felt such a sense of relief because P and I didn't have to make the decision ... we're not left with any choice, and I can feel comfortable knowing that we gave Toot the best chance we could to come on her terms. I had thought the conversation would leave me feeling horrible and sad, but getting to wait until June 1 was our best case scenario ... I can't believe that in less than two weeks we'll meet our little girl!! I still hope she comes on her terms, but if not, that's okay too. At this point, we're keeping the June 1 date to ourselves (Kris and Sarah - please don't say anything to anyone!!) because I'm feeling more and more private about Toot with each passing day and just want to enjoy the remainder of my pregnancy as much as I can ... and for whatever reason, I'm best able to do that when I'm not talking about it (with anyone other than P) ... we're using this time as a family for us and as selfish as that might be, I'm actually totally okay with it. There are times when I'm totally open to talking about it and others when I just don't. It's just strange, but I'm fine with it (which might be even stranger!)

In NTR (not Toot related) news, I'm feeling badly about how I treated my best friend in the world the other day. She called me with some pretty good news about her love life and rather than be happy and supportive and excited for/with her, I rained on her parade by being an overly cautious older sister. I could feel myself doing it, but didn't know how to stop. I gave her all sorts of advice that she doesn't need and rather than just let her glow in the good news, I pointed out all the negatives. Not because I'm not happy for her, but because I so worry about her getting hurt ... I am happy for her and hope that I can be more supportive in the future. And next time I'm preachy and annoying, I apologize in advance :)


  1. Just wanted to stop by and say that I will be praying for your family. My little girl is 4, with Trisomy 18. Her name is Annabel. I will continue to pray with you that she will come on her own terms also.

  2. And now you're making me cry. I'm glad you don't have to choose a day, too. Here for you however you need me...and praying for all of you.
