Monday, March 30, 2009

2 lb 10z Toot!

I am so bad at posting sometimes! I truly have the best intentions and then sometimes just can't bring myself to write because I feel sad, or I'm exhausted after work ... regardless, I feel badly that it's been so long! We had another ultrasound on Friday, and this is going to sound horrible, but it was somewhat of a letdown after the 4D scan! It was the first time I didn't cry, which took me by surprise, and it just wasn't the same in 2D as it was in 4D ... my aunt said she would do another scan for us and I am definitely going to take her up on that because it's so awesome to see Toot in such detail! I think I got spoiled :)

Despite the slight letdown of not seeing her in such detail, it was of course, great to see her. She's measuring about 3 weeks behind still, which is where she was at our last ultrasound at 24 weeks. So, in my mind, that is kind of a good thing. They calculated her weight at 2 lbs 10 oz, which only puts her in the 5th percentile for weight, but seems so big to me! Our due date is May 18 by my LMP, but after looking back at our ultrasounds, they're estimating that she's due closer to May 28. That 10 extra days seems like an eternity!! We're still going with a May 18 due date (that will forever be the due date in our hearts), but I'm preparing myself for Miss Toot to hang around a little while longer (which I am totally okay with. I think I'd be pregnant forever if it meant that she could be with me safe, warm and cozy in my belly). It's weird because on one hand, eight weeks feels like nothing, but the other, it feels like forever! Only time will tell, I suppose - it seems like that's the story of my life right now!


  1. I think it sounds pretty big too...I'm proud of her! And you and P of course. I can't believe there are 8 weeks left to go. SO looking forward to seeing you next week, love ya!

  2. PS - I, too, am terrible with posting lately. I've got a few good (accident prone) stories to tell so I'd better get on that!
